Peer-reviewed publications

Articles and papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and peer-reviewed books and book chapters.

Bergek, A., Hellsmark, H., & Karltorp, K.


Directionality challenges for transformative innovation policy: lessons from implementing climate goals in the process industry

Industry and Innovation, 1-30.

Blasiak, R. et al.


Evolving perspectives of stewardship in the seafood industry

Frontiers in Marine Science, 8.

Corvino, Fausto


Climate Justice: Risks and Advantages of Going Distributive

Notizie di Politeia, 39 (151), 122-128

Crona, B., Wassénius, E., Lillepold, K., Watson, R. A., Selig, E. R., Hicks, C., … & Blasiak, R.


Sharing the seas: a review and analysis of ocean sector interactions

Environmental Research Letters 16(6)

Crona, B.I., Wassénius, E., Jonell, M. et al.


Four ways blue foods can help achieve food system ambitions across nations

Nature 616, 104–112

Crona, Beatrice, Carl Folke, and Victor Galaz


The Anthropocene reality of financial risk

One Earth 4, no. 5 (2021): 618-628.

Erlandsson, J., Bergmark, P., & Höjer, M.


Establishing the planetary boundaries framework in the sustainability reporting of ICT companies – A proposal for proxy indicators

Journal Of Environmental Management

Kashyap, S., & Iveroth, E.


Transparency and accountability influences of regulation on risk control : the case of a Swedish bank

Journal of Management and Governance

Lin, X. and Bali Swain, R.


Performance of Negatively Screened Sustainable Investments during crisis

International Review of Economics and Finance

Stromberg, P.M and Bali Swain, R.


Citizen monitoring in environmental disclosure: an economics perspective

Journal of Environmental Management, 356 (2024) 120567