Launch of the Sustainable Finance Lab

On Friday at 10:00 (CET) Sustainable Finance Lab will host a webinar to present its vision and discuss the future of sustainable finance. The Swedish Minister of Financial Markets Åsa Lindhagen will speak as will Director General of Swedish Innovation Agency Darja Isaksson, and the President of KTH (The Royal Institute of Technology) Sigbritt Karlsson.

Professor Kent Eriksson and Professor Malin Malmström, the Co-Directors of Sustainable Finance Lab will present the ambitions of the lab together with Rebecka Wulfing from Nasdaq (the Chairperson of the Steering committee). The lab’s management team will go over some of their research highlights together with industry partners.

About the event

Sustainable Finance Lab´s overarching ambition will be discussed, which is to foster real change and progress in terms of how financial markets – in Sweden and beyond – engage with and facilitate social and environmental sustainability. As a consortium, the Sustainable Finance Lab will develop an ecosystem of both incumbent and nontraditional actors to facilitate development of innovative and sustainable, yet commercially viable, business ideas and financial practices which align with broader societal sustainability goals.

Link to sign up for the event:

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