Thesis Defence: Digitalization, sustainability, and ecosystems

Societies today have increased economic, social, and environmental needs for their built environments. Doctoral student Olli Vigren, at Real Estate Business and Financial Systems at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, will defend his doctoral thesis “Digitalization, sustainability, and ecosystems – An application of social network analysis to the real estate sector” on Thursday, March 24th.
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Opponent: Professor Paavo Ritala, LUT University, Lappeenranta, Finland Supervisor: Professor Kent Eriksson, Division of real estate business and financial systems, Director of Sustainable Finance Lab Sweden
Time: Thu 2022-03-24 13.00
Location: Kollegiesalen Brinellvägen 8, at KTH Royal Institute of Technology/ remote participation
Language: English

Read more and find the abstract at KTH:s website here.

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