Research: Examining how gender distribution in the board composition of Swedish companies affects business performance over time

SFL Director Professor Malin Malimström and Professor Joakim Wincent have together produced a report investigating the connections and findings identified in a previous report published in 2021, which revealed that corporations with an equal gender distribution in their board composition yielded higher profits and higher turnover than corporations with a more uneven gender distribution.
Photo: Pixabay

In 2021, a report was published that presented a comprehensive analysis of how equal versus unequal gender distribution in company boards relates to business performance as it pertains to profit and turnover. The report revealed that Swedish joint-stock corporations with an equal gender distribution in the composition of their board yielded higher profit and turnover than corporations with an unequal gender distribution. This was shown to be the case even when alternative explanations for the increased profitability and turnover were accounted for. Professor Malmström’s and Professor Wincent’s recent 2022 report thus set out with the purpose to examine these findings and to identify if, and in such a case how, the equal gender distribution of joint-stock corporations’ boards compared with corporations with unequal distribution as it relates to business performance over time. Their report is based on the data of Swedish corporations’ business in the years 2016, 2017 and 2018, as compiled by Statistic Sweden (Statistiska Centralbyrån), and the report tests the findings of an earlier 2021 report, which in turn was based on data from 2013.

To take part of their findings and analysis, please access their report here (the report is written in Swedish)

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