Report launch: Economy and Finance for a Just Future on a Thriving Planet

The Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University and the Nobel Foundation have organized a lecture on June 1st in connection to the launch of the report, ‘Economy and Finance for a Just Future on a Thriving Planet’. The report was commissioned by the Swedish Ministry of Environment as an independent input and contribution to Stockholm+50, and was led by the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics and the Stockholm Resilience Centre. Sustainable Finance Lab contributed towards the report.

The report, ‘Economy and Finance for a Just Future on a Thriving Planet’ will be launched at this upcoming webinar/seminar. It explores the role the financial sector and our globalized economies need to take, to build the resilience of both people and planet in the new Anthropocene context. The work presented builds on decades of work on systems thinking, ecological economics, resilience science, Earth system science, and insights from a vibrant field of sustainability sciences. The report builds on the Nobel Prize Summit 2021, Our Planet, Our Future, an international scientific initiative on sustainable development hosted by the Nobel Foundation.

The presentation of the report will be followed by conversations with several extinguished guests on science-policy interactions, systemic risks and the Stockholm+50 meeting. This event is also generously supported by the Anna-Greta and Holger Crafoord Foundation.

During the day there will be several moderated conversations. Associate professor and SFL Center Vice-Director Lin Lerpold will participate in one titled, “Financial flows and systemic risks: Climate, justice and investments”, together with Professor Joseph Stiglitz of Columbia University (joining via Zoom).

To find our more, please follow this link to access the day’s programme and more

The lecture and moderated conversations are free of charge and open to the public. You can either participate in the lecture hall, or digital on Zoom:

If you want to participate in the lecture hall, use the registration form found on the website linked here. If you want to participate on Zoom, please register here>

The report and a summary of the report will be made available at

Furthermore the following day, June 2nd SFL’s Beatrice Crona will moderate a side event, in connection to the launch of the aforementioned report:

2 June, at Stockholmsmässan room 4, 15:45-17:00: Deputy director Victor Galaz and researcher David Collste will present the report Economy and Finance for a Just Future on a Thriving Planet. 

Following this, there will be a presentation by Hon. Collins Nzovu, Zambian Minister of Green Economy and Environment and a subsequent panel discussion with: Eric Usher, UN PRI, Elena Almeida, London School of Economics, and Sandrine Dixon-Declève, Club of Rome, moderated by Professor and SFL Centre Vice-Director Beatrice Crona.

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