Associate Director Lin Lerpold and Center Director Malin Malmström of the Sustainable Finance Lab are two of almost 2,000 researchers and employees in the research world who have signed the debate article, “Enough now, politicians – you have to take the climate crisis seriously!”
The article highlights how despite the fact that the situation is serious and that time is running out, a majority of Sweden’s political parties have abandoned climate policy – and not only that, but are now advocating policies that go against the Paris Agreement and Sweden’s established climate and environmental goals. Furthermore, the article describes how a comprehensive adjustment has been shown by research to be entirely possible – as long as politicians and society take the necessary steps.
The article calls out for courageous and strong leadership, for leaders who take the crisis seriously and dare state that the situation requires everyone to take action. Who understands that the climate crisis requires new thinking, creativity and re-prioritization. That thoughtful trade-offs are required to achieve a transition that is fair.
The article highlight how politicians talk about technological development, but that most are silent about the transition that must take place through lifestyle changes. It also reveals that certain politicians even openly deny that a transition to sustainable consumption is necessary, contrary to the facts of our situation.
To read more about the necessary efforts that need to be made, in terms of consumption, and more access the article here.