Watch Professor Joakim Sandberg take part in Insurance Sweden’s seminar on sustainable investing practices

How may investors contribute toward a sustainable future? was the overarching question of the seminar hosted by Insurance Sweden earlier this year, which Professor Joakim Sandberg of SFL, among other key financial actors came together to discuss.
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Professor Joakim Sandberg of SFL, with experience examining and evaluating sustainable investing practices was earlier this year invited by Insurance Sweden to discuss together with Emilie Westholm (head of responsible investments, Folksam), Tomas Flodén (Chief Investment Officer, AMF) and Johanna Lundgren Gestlöf (head of sustainability, SPP) how investors can contribute toward a more sustainable future, what investment practices do not work, and how to correctly evaluate which do.

Watch the seminar below, and follow this link to access Insurance Sweden’s other seminar on sustainability for the same event.

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