Call for papers – SFL and Sveriges Riksbank will host a conference on climate change and the financial system in May 2023

The Sustainable Finance Lab and Sveriges Riksbank will host a conference on “Climate change and the financial system: Challenges and opportunities for central banks”. The conference will be held in person at Sveriges Riksbank in Stockholm, Sweden, on May 2–3, 2023.

Confirmed speakers include Nicoletta Batini (IMF), John Hassler (IIES, Stockholm University), Steven Ongena (University of Zürich), Glenn Rudebusch (Brookings Institution), and Laura Starks (University of Texas at Austin).

The conference aims to bring together high-quality theoretical and empirical research providing new insights into the economics of climate change and its relation to the financial system at large, including monetary policy and financial regulation.

The deadline for submissions is December 10, 2022. See the call for papers for more information: Call for Papers SFL-Riksbank conference 2023

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