Seminar: Complementing Forest finance for carbon credits with biodiversity insurance and resilience value

Welcome to a joint Mistra FinBio and Sustainable Finance Lab seminar.

Topic: Complementing Forest finance for carbon credits with biodiversity insurance and resilience value

Speaker: Hanna Fiegenbaum

Date: March 5, 2025

Time: 15.00-16.00

Location (No registration is required)

Organizers: Mistra Finbio and Sustainable Finance Lab

How can we refine siloed investment pathways and mechanisms to leverage nexus approaches to achieve the best outcomes for climate, nature, and people? Departing from a market-driven focus on valuing forests for their carbon storage and sequestration services, this presentation and subsequent discussion examine the question in the context of financing forest conservation and restoration for the issuance of carbon credits. Biodiversity and other ecosystem components are assigned a strategic and valuable role in meeting the specific requirements for de-risking investments in forestry and forest-related activities. While the focus on financing carbon avoidance, removal, and reduction remains due to the requirements of emission accounting practices in corporates and financial institutions, even within that narrow focus, other natural and social capital components can yield benefits and address costs that arise relative to a natural capital investment. This presentation draws on natural capital concepts developed in the ecological economics literature and seeks to ground them in ecologically sound relationships. Read the preprint of this paper here:

About the Presenter: Hanna Fiegenbaum works as a Sustainability Integration Lead, mitigating impacts across multiple objectives in sustainable, circular construction in Stuttgart and Berlin, Germany. She is an affiliated researcher with Leipzig University (IMISE) and has previously worked on urban restoration and wildlife conservation projects in Kenya, as well as on developing regenerative agriculture solutions for smallholder farmers. She also is a contributing author to the IPBES Business and Biodiversity Assessment, a member of the IUCN IMEC group, and the ESP.

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