Peer-reviewed publications 2024-11-28 COVID-19 Pandemic Waves: Identification And Interpretation of Global Data
Peer-reviewed publications 2024-11-22 A just world on a safe planet: a Lancet Planetary Health–Earth Commission report on Earth-system boundaries, translations, and transformations
Peer-reviewed publications 2024-10-30 Sustainability Risk: A social-ecological systems perspective. Doctoral thesis
Peer-reviewed publications 2024-10-30 Aggravation Risk: A tool to capture multiple pathways of corporate sustainability risk
Peer-reviewed publications 2024-04-17 Citizen monitoring in environmental disclosure: an economics perspective
Peer-reviewed publications 2024-04-17 Performance of Negatively Screened Sustainable Investments during crisis
Peer-reviewed publications 2023-12-18 Sharing the seas: a review and analysis of ocean sector interactions
Peer-reviewed publications 2023-11-10 Transparency and accountability influences of regulation on risk control : the case of a Swedish bank
Peer-reviewed publications 2023-10-30 Establishing the planetary boundaries framework in the sustainability reporting of ICT companies – A proposal for proxy indicators
Peer-reviewed publications 2023-08-25 Four ways blue foods can help achieve food system ambitions across nations
Peer-reviewed publications 2023-08-25 Directionality challenges for transformative innovation policy: lessons from implementing climate goals in the process industry