Peer-reviewed publications

Articles and papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and peer-reviewed books and book chapters.

Corvino, F.


Is It Morally Justifiable To Pass on Part of the Costs of Pivotal Climate Action to Future Generations?

Philosophy and Public Issues

Şiir Kılkış, Anders Bjørn, Xuemei Bai, Jianguo Liu, Gail Whiteman, Beatrice Crona, Lauren Seaby Andersen, Syezlin Hasan, Varsha Vijay & Oscar Sabag


City–company collaboration towards aligned science-based target setting

Nat Sustain 8, 54–65

Kara E Pellowe, Anaëlle Durfort, Deron E Burkepile, David Mouillot, Steven J Lade


Positive feedbacks in coastal reef social-ecological systems can maintain coral dominance

ICES Journal of Marine Science

Ahlström, H., Williams, A., Wassénius, E. et al.


Deepening the Conversation on Systemic Sustainability Risks: A Social-Ecological Systems Approach

Journal of Business Ethics

Corvino, F.


What could justify a prohibition on the luxury emissions of the very rich?

Politics, Philosophy & Economics

Bai, X., Hasan, S., Andersen, L.S., Bjørn, A., Kilkiş, Ş., Ospina, D., Liu, J., Cornell, S.E., Sabag Muñoz, O., de Bremond, A. and Crona, B.


Translating Earth system boundaries for cities and businesses

Nature Sustainability (2024): 1-12.

Maniatakou, S., Crona, B., Jean-Charles, I., Ohlsson, M., Lillepold, K., & Causevic, A.


A science-based heuristic to guide sector-level SDG investment strategy

Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, 1-25.

Crona, B., Parlato, G., Lade, S., Fetzer, I., & Maus, V.


Going beyond carbon: An “Earth system impact” score to better capture corporate and investment impacts on the earth system

Journal of Cleaner Production

Lin Lerpold


Migration and integration

In Tommy Borglund, Hans de Geer and Susanne Sweet (eds): CSR and Sustainable Business, 2nd edition. Sanoma Utbildning

Lin Lerpold & Örjan Sjöberg


Tourism as (Un)sustainable production and consumption

In Ranjula Bali Swain & Susanne Sweet (eds): Sustainable Consumption and Production, vol. 2: Circular Economy and Beyond. Palgrave Macmillan, London.